Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 28: Productivity

Today I was grateful for: productivity. 
Running errands and doing what I said I would leaves me feeling motivated, and so good! Woohoo! 

Day 27: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Today I was grateful for: the Perks of Being a Wallflower
Not the movie as much though I did watch it today, but for a book that restored my faith in good novels. 

Day 26: Sleep

Today I was grateful for: sleep.
Finally, a proper night's sleep. 

Day 25: God

Today I was grateful for: God.
For forgiving me always when I've been less than acceptable. 

Day 24: Two Jobs

Today I was grateful for: two jobs.
Saving me in financial times of trouble, and boredom. 

Day 23: Allnighters

Today I was grateful for: allnighters.
Full of fun chats and delirious laughter. And 'resting eyes'. 

Day 22: Dresses

Today I was grateful for: dresses.
Although I did not enjoy formal, I loved everybody's dresses. Pretty! I also just love being in a dress! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 21: Twilight Saga

Today I was grateful for: The Twilight Saga.
A chapter of my life is over as I watched the last of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2 today. It was amazing, and I can't believe it's over. I am so happy and sad at the same time. 

Day 20: FroYo

Today I was grateful for: Froyo. 
Always grateful for Frozen Yoghurt. 

Day 19: Laughter

Today I was grateful for: laughter.

Day 18: Pinterest

Today I was grateful for: Pinterest.
For adding that a sprinkle of happiness to my life. 

Day 17: Overcoming Fears

Today I was grateful for: overcoming fear.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 16: Sales

Today I was grateful for: sales.
So after forever (like three weeks) of wanting this nail polish, I've finally gone out to buy it today so find it was buy one, get one at the counter! Score!! 

Also, I bought some cookie cutters I've been eyeing from Target that were originally $12 to find they were $9 at the counter.

Life is gooood! 

Day 15: Christmas

Today I was grateful for: Christmas. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 14: Family

Today I was grateful for: family.
While my family makes me laugh, listens to my rambles and rants and someone to talk to, I am talking in particular today about my parents, who have let me borrow a heap of money off them, only for me to calculate today how much of debt I am in. Wow. I am glad I have learnt this lesson early in my life, I will never overspend and bite more than I can chew again. 

Thank you mother and father. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 13: Memories

Today I was grateful for: memories.
Memories are bittersweet to me, I love having them but they can also pang my heart so hard. I am a sucker for nostalgia and it can affect me in ways that really know how to trigger sadness upon me. It is probably my Achilles's heel, but while I am experiencing post-concert depression, I am so glad I have memories of last night that I can replay over and over.. 

Day 12: The Temper Trap and Coldplay

Insanely close at the Coldplay concert. Right at the front, touching the barrier! 

Dougi from The Temper Trap doing his thing. Apparently he winked at me. I cried. 

Coldplay glowing wristbands with Emily. 

Glowing wristbands in the stadium. Incredible!

Lovely friends who made it even more incredible. 

I was planning to write an entire paragraph on how incredible and amazing my night was, but I feel like words will taint it and won't do it justice. Some things are better left unsaid. However, I am incredibly grateful for one of the most, if not the most, incredible night(s) of my life. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 11

Today I was grateful for: having a job.
Technically, I have two but today while at work, I was thinking maybe I should quit McDonald's... but then I had a conversation with a co-worker who went to Queensland in February, just got back from Beijing/Hong Kong and is going to Thailand in January, and planning a trip to South Africa for next year. *sigh* I know I have to work to make money to begin my dreams of travelling, but it just seems I work and work, and don't have something coming.. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 10: An array of tears and smiles.

Today I was grateful for: GOD!!
Today has been such a wowowowowow day! 
So this morning I finally got a call from Typo telling me I was starting work next Friday which means it does NOT clash with McDonald's, and I am so grateful for that as it was somewhat plagueing my head, as I hate calling in sick. 
Then I did something I wasn't proud of.. I told this girl I thought she was being quite hypocritical as only a few days ago she was complaining about people who were rude in not replying to certain tweets, then she was doing the same, so I told her so. Needless to say, I was attacked by her followers as I had supposedly 'sent her the rudest tweet EVER' and 'ruined her night'. (She's from England). I wasn't proud of what I did, but I thought it was quite rude of her to say those negative comments about other bloggers, however have her doing the same thing. I apologised twice though, because I knew to be the bigger person and  I don't need that negativity in my life. I don't regret what I did, but I'm not proud of it. It had plagued me the entire day when I went shopping to Parramatta, however when I came home, I had received my package from MissSelfridge, had my family been in a wonderful mood, found out one of Australia's most popular bloggers had followed MY BLOG!!! EEK! and felt so lifted and blessed for no apparent reason at all. I love this feeling. I love leading a happy life with my God. <3 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 9: Saviour

Today I was grateful forthe Lord. 
Now obviously I'm grateful for Him everyday, but some days I truly feel like He is right there with me. 
Today, my Dad and I went to drop my Mum off at the airport as she's going to Melbourne tonight, and on the way back the M5 freeway broke down and  there was a serious delay in traffic. My Dad turned to me and said ''Lucky this didn't happen on our way to the airport or Mum would have missed her flight. God did this.'' Thank you. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 8: You've Got Mail

Today I was grateful for: deliveries.
I love online shopping, but there is always the risk of your package getting lost in the mail or an online scam. Luckily, I know I can trust The Book Depository and it is probably one of my favourite websites of all time. Free shipping and super inexpensive books? Score! I almost don't want to tell anyone about this website because it's like my little secret! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 7: Lone Wolf

Today I was grateful for: being a lone wolf.
Today I trekked to the city for a day out with my beloved self, haha. I woke up at 5:45 am to go with my sister who left at Central to go to work. I, on the other hand, went to Town Hall to do a spot of shopping by myself. I know I went last Wednesday but I didn't want to do shopping that disturbed anyone, or had anyone disturbing me, so I went again today. Not only did I buy things that I had wanted for a long time, but I also had a nice White Mocha Frappe with a toasted croissant for lunch in Hyde Park. I am infatuated with Hyde Park, it's such an amazing vibe. So chilled out, and is a small glimpse of what I imagine Central Park in NYC would be, which makes me love it even more. I loved how today during lunch time, there were men in business suits sitting on the ground, enjoying the sun and the view, just relaxing with their lunches. Above all, I know I wasn't a lone wolf, because I've got God. 

I don't mind if I'm judged or teased on this, but I value God so much in my life, and I am constantly voicing how grateful I am for His presence in my life. I feel like He is the reason I got out of the dark place I was once in, and because of Him, I never feel alone anymore. I feel blessed 24/7. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 6: Spirit

Today I was grateful for: Christmas Spirit.
I love this build-up to Christmas because everybody's so excited. I know it's only November, but what's wrong with starting happiness a little earlier? It's only midday right now, and tonight I'm going to a belated Halloween party, it'll be grand. Still so much of the day to go, and I'm already finding so many things to smile about, I love God so much. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 5: Date Night

Today I was grateful for: a night out with Natalie. 
We went for dinner at Savannah's, then we went to McDonald's so I could get a McFlurry (hehe) and then we went to Chemistworks and I smelt Ralph Lauren Romance, which I think may be my next perfume to buy and then we went to do the thing we went out for: we went to watch Looper. I don't quite know if I liked it, it wasn't hard to keep up with... but I just didn't love it. I don't know. 
Overall it was such a lovely day, and also, I love God.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 4: McHappiness

Today I was grateful for: McHappy Day.
A day where a corporate franchise like McDonald's can dedicate a day where a portion of profit goes to charity. Perhaps not as much as it should, but the Ronald McDonald House Charity also does its fair share. I'm glad the public can come together to help those in need. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 3: Giver

Today I was grateful for: books.
That beautiful feeling of getting lost in a story and entranced by words. And also, the liberating feeling of finishing a novel. Books are just great, really.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 2: Acceptance

Today I was grateful for: acceptance. 
I look at myself every day and hate what I see, and am. I am glad I have found a group of people who can tolerate me.
(The picture is of my lovely friend spooning with his beloved D600.)

Day 1: Happiness in Hyde Park

Today I was grateful for: The city. Probably my favourite place to be in Sydney.
Day #1 of freedom basically set off the next four moths with a bang. 
We went for a spot of shopping around the city and then had a nice little relax in Hyde Park with some Starbucks and a lot of laughs. 

I'm so excited for what the future has to bring.